Queens Of The Stone Age add second Rock N Roll Circus headline date
Because tickets for night one “flew out in record time”, Queens Of The Stone Age will play another headline set at Rock N Roll Circus the following evening…
From unnecessarily long and wordy titles to phrases that just make you go, ‘Eh?!’, these bands have been particularly imaginative when it comes to naming songs…
When you really think about it, the majority of song titles are kinda weird. How do you properly and correctly sum up something that you’ve poured your heart into in just a few short words, or a snappy phrase?! But there’s some bands that seemingly really go out of their way to provoke a reaction when it comes to names – whether it’s a giggle, a gasp, or just an outright, ‘What the actual fuck?!’
We were met with a huge response when we asked you guys recently about songs with the strangest titles, and it turns out that almost all of our rock and metal favourites have come up with at least one wonderful weirdo. So well done all, because your imagination here is incredibly impressive…
Somehow still not the most bizarre song or album name Rob Zombie has ever gone for…
Odd thing to brag about, but sure.
Title-wise, the band’s 2020 Amy Lee collab is a far cry from early tracks like Tell Slater Not To Wash His Dick or (I Used To Make Out With) Medusa.
With lyrics like ‘Why aren’t you hearing the cheese / Why aren’t you feeling the ham?’ this does kinda fill you up more than you might expect…
A bit weird, yep, but there are at least four other songs with longer and harder-to-say titles on 2005’s From Under The Cork Tree. Why did they do this to us?!
Because the Scottish titans are just as good at channelling David Attenborough as they are at writing breathtakingly brilliant alt.rock.
Wait, why aren’t more songs named after quotes from 2006 Ben Stiller movie Night At The Museum?
Yeah… thanks for that one, Roger Waters.
Now that’s an offer we really can’t refuse.
Can also be included in any lists featuring the most bizarre lyrics ever thanks to the line, ‘Yabba dabba do one son.’ Great work, lads!
Maynard James Keenan being darkly peculiar? We’re shocked.
Though this seems like a strange one, it can be rearranged to say This Song Makes Me Feel Like I’m On This Cocaine, which makes a lot more sense given the suject matter.
Not a recipe we’ve sampled in all honesty, but we’re assuming this is reasonably solid advice.
Again with the good advice! And hopefully a lesson that wasn’t learned from personal experience…
While this name was inspired by a fishing trip in which Les Claypool had the shit scared out of him by an actual beaver, it doesn’t make it any less silly to say this out loud…
For those of you not in America, 409 (also known as Formula 409) is an industrial cleaning product. So it probably doesn’t make your coffee taste great.
We’re very sorry to hear that.
Given the track was released in 2009, it’d be real good to get confirmation about this one day, chaps.
Running is healthy but too hard for us, so we can neither confirm or deny the accuracy of this song name *wheezes*.
Okay, this is
weird, but it’s also easily the quickest song name to type out so far, so actually Mushroomhead are time-saving geniuses.
A fantastic track, but not a name that screams ‘song by one of the biggest and most influential rock bands on the planet’, is it?
See also: songs with the weirdest videos and promotional campaigns ever…
It’s fair to include this, but also feels weirdly sweet and complimentary? Just us…?! Okay then.