
A Salute To Lemmy – The Ultimate Playlist

Celebrate what would have been the big man's 73rd birthday with the ultimate Kilmister mix

A Salute To Lemmy – The Ultimate Playlist

We love Lemmy. You love Lemmy. And though the great man is sadly no longer with us, his birthday is always worth turning your stereo up for. Here, then, in his honour is a massive playlist to deafen your neighbours with, featuring some of Lem's fines moments with Motörhead, Hawkwind, Sam Gopal, The Rocking Vickers, Probot and many more. From the start of his career, to the posthumous release of the 'Head's brilliant cover of David Bowie's Heroes, Lemmy's was a long and consistently excellent one.

So, grab a drink, crank it up, and celebrate the work of Mr Rock 'N' Roll himself. Lemmy, happy birthday, sir!

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