
Album review: Filth Is Eternal – Love Is A Lie, Filth Is Eternal

Renamed Seattle hardcore pitbulls Filth Is Eternal turn up the aggro on the scalding Love Is A Lie, Filth Is Eternal…

Album review: Filth Is Eternal – Love Is A Lie, Filth Is Eternal
Dan Slessor

Naming your band Fucked And Bound is a good way of simultaneously getting attention and putting people off, but in the summer of 2021 the Seattle miscreants return with a new full-length and a catchy new moniker, Filth Is Eternal. Armed with Love Is A Lie, Filth Is Eternal – the follow up to 2020’s vicious Suffragette – this change in name does not mean they've lost any of their edge. If anything, they're more bloodthirsty, and for 12 tracks they kill.

With a sound rooted in suitably grimy hardcore, all but three songs clock in at under two minutes, making their modus operandi clear: get in, do as much damage as possible and get back out again, and they pull it off with style. There's definitely some old-school influence holding sway, with plenty of d-beat and bouncy riffing, but there is also a malignant darkness to the whole thing, making this a long way from being a feel-good record.

Opener On The Rake gets things off to a nasty start, vocalist Lisa Mungo letting loose with her ravaged larynx as the band thrash away, and ugly as it is it does not compare to the likes of the bass-heavy Strange Men or the rampant clawing of The Dog. They do slow down occasionally and lose none of their impact, Deeper Void coming across as their attempt to make listeners as uncomfortable as possible.

Hardcore can always benefit from fresh blood, and as well as a new name the band do genuinely seem rejuvenated, dropping one of the scene’s best records this year. See you around, Fucked And Bound.

Verdict: 4/5

For Fans Of: Cursed, Blacklisted, Trap Them

Love Is A Lie, Filth Is Eternal is released on August 27 via Church Road.

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