
All Time Low Have Announced Their Own Wine

All Time Low are selling their very own Cabernet Sauvignon, which goes by the name Everything Is Wine.

All Time Low Have Announced Their Own Wine

While the majority of bands who've dipped their toe into the world of alcohol recently are on the heavier and whiskey-based end of things (hello Slipknot and Metallica), All Time Low are getting in on the boozy action with their very own wine.

The Baltimore pop-punks' delicious-looking beverage – which goes by the name Everything Is Wine – is a Cabernet Sauvignon available for purchase now, and is a drink that the band "hope you'll share with friends, family and loved ones on the nights that memories are meant to be made". Awwww.

Read their statement below:

"Wine and Music are distant cousins, products of the heart and soul woven together: complex, none the same, each telling a unique story: They anchor us to our memories. Close your eyes and recall the feeling; a song takes you back to a first love, a lasting heartbreak, or just a damn good party... It's a powerful magic, like an invisible string pulling you back in time, rooted in the ambiance of the moment, stirring at the bottom of your glass like a familiar melody stirs up forgetten emotion. It is with that in mind that we present you with 'EVERYTHING IS WINE,' a Cabernet Sauvignon that we hope you'll share with friends, family and loved ones on the nights that memories are meant to be made. Throw on your favorite record and raise a toast to the moments that will live on forever at the bottom of this bottle."

And it looks like this. Mmmmm…

In other All Time Low news, Alex told Kerrang! recently that the band will be heading into the studio in the summer to work on a follow-up to 2017’s Last Young Renegade – once his Simple Creatures side-project with blink-182’s Mark Hoppus is on the back-burner.

“We are kicking music around, we are sending ideas back and forth, we are starting to get into the nitty gritty of it,” he says.

“I think in the summer when blink gets busy and we put the pin in Simple Creatures for the minute, there’s going to be a nice window of time for all four of us get together, get in a room and start looking at the demos I’ve written, and breaking those down.

“Also, just start writing as the four of us again, and figuring out what the next version of All Time Low is going to sound like, which is super-exciting right now. Coming off the tail-end of Last Young Renegade, which was a little pocket universe of a record for us, I think it will be really cool to break out of that and kinda get back into what makes All Time Low, All Time Low, and figuring out what that is in 2019/2020.”

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