
Angels & Airwaves Are Back In The Studio

Tom DeLonge says that "things are going very well in the studio" for Angels & Airwaves at the moment.

Angels & Airwaves Are Back In The Studio

It's not been too long since Kerrang! caught up with Tom DeLonge to get the lowdown on the new Angels & Airwaves album, and now the frontman has taken to social media to update fans on progress.

“This next record is probably going to be the best of my life,” the singer and guitarist told us late last year. “I have a lot to say, and I’ve been gone for a while, so I feel like I’m more prolific a songwriter than I’ve ever been. Angels & Airwaves aren’t pigeonholed into any one particular sound, and our fans are absolutely feverish about what we do and the message of the band. They really support who we are, so it’s a really great spot to be in.”

Tom also revealed a little bit more about the Angels & Airwaves movie, which went into production last July and should accompany this new record.

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“[My company] To The Stars has many big projects, one of which being the film that is accompanying this album," he said. "All of that will come out together as we tour the record [in 2020]. You’ll start to see all the pieces of all the media that I’ve been doing come out with the show, and it’ll be a multimedia experience. That’s always been the dream for the band, but we just haven’t had the chance to do that yet.”

Now, Tom is keeping the hype going by taking to Instagram to announce that, "Things are going very well in the studio…"


Chatting to Kerrang! earlier in the year, Tom explained how busy he gets juggling AVA and his company To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science.

“A lot of times I question what it means to be happy – I go, ‘Be careful what you wish for – is it really making you happy that you have all these projects?’ I don’t want this much work, and I’m not trying to ask for it, but it’s kind of what’s needed to accomplish some of the things I’m doing,” he explained. “I mean, where I’m going to end up is doing one major motion picture and album a year, and then I would work the next year – that kind of thing.

“I’m supposed to be writing so many books and so many classified government contracts (laughs). I’m the chairman of the board at my company, so I’m involved in those things, but I’m kind of involved in a really cool way, where I go, ‘What’s going on?’ and I get to have those conversations and meet with our partners in the Department of Defense or wherever they’re at, and we get to deal with these subjects and what I’m passionate about, so I’m in the game – the biggest game on Earth! I get to do that, but I still get to be myself, and the company will be financing its own movies and all that stuff. So I get to spearhead an entire massive art piece, and that’s something no rock’n’roll band on Earth has ever been able to do. I mean, Pink Floyd did The Wall, which is the best thing ever, but it was kind of avant-garde and it was a one-off – they didn’t do it again. I’m trying to go, ‘Well, how do we get teams of artists working together on each one of these projects, and we do it over and over again in different ways?’”

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