
David From Culture Abuse Takes Cool Photos

...and his band just released the album of the summer.

David From Culture Abuse Takes Cool Photos

Culture Abuse released their second album, Bay Dream, today. We've been listening to it for a few weeks because we've got the hook ups, and trust us when we say it's the album of the summer, fuuur sure. Give it a listen right here:

CA frontman David Kelling doesn't just write sweet jams all day long though, he also takes great film photos that serve as a document of life in the band and all the grubby, fun times that go along with it. 

He was kind enough to send us a bunch of photos - spanning the band's career from 2013 until recently - that he also captioned for us, and we've put them right here for you to enjoy. Being in Culture Abuse looks like a good ol' time:

David: An early morning photo of Shane, waking up in a shitty motel about to go start the second day of recording for the ep Spray Paint The Dog.


Riot cops lining the sidewalk in front of our apartment in San Francisco after the Giants won the Baseball World Series.


June Bug [Culture Abuse guitarist] on the roof of the tallest building in Amsterdam after visiting the Gibson Guitar Headquarters. 

First Culture Abuse tattoo, Dream On 2017. 


I slapped the sticker on this sign outside the police station on 17th & Valencia right by our apartment in San Francisco. this photo was used on the insert for Peach.


A stranger puking in a urinal pretty early in the night 


Shane and Bill of Tiny Moving Parts smoking weed out of an apple outside the Ottar in Baltimore Maryland 2017 I think. 


This is Rob Soucy, a close friend and talented director, he did the Perfect Light music video. He and I rented a boat one weekend a while back. I love this photo and that trip.


Making the first ever Culture Abuse t shirts, 2013 in my back parking lot in Santa Rosa CA. with a stencil and a spray bottle full of bleach.


Filming the Perfect Light music video with Rob Soucy in our apartment in San Francisco. 


Culture Abuse's video for Dip.


Shane and June standing outside some Walmart in the South on some tour.


Barbara Georges and Alice Baxley dishing out ice cream for a scene in the So Busted music video, also a little peak of DJ Lucas & Chase Money in the back.


From the Nothing/Culture Abuse/Wrong tour 2017: I racked this plastic toy bicycle from a gas station. Then later, bored, backstage in Detroit, Michigan, Nicky [Nothing bass player] started lighting things on fire with rubbing alcohol. It soon turned to a melted blob of plastic and the backstage reeked. This was like the second or third day of tour, still getting to know each other, we quickly bonded over destruction. 


Broke down on the side of the road with a blown tire, very scary. Somewhere in Utah, 2017.


On an overnight drive on The Story So Far tour, 2016, we pulled over in some truck stop parking lot and slept in the grass.


I was strangely drawn to this man at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere, Nevada.  I asked him where he got his tattoos, and he said in prison, then he told me he was convicted of three counts of murder and spent 30 years in a Mississippi jail. All I could respond with was “crazy." 


A photo I took of peaches my Grandma (who has since passed away) left out to dry. We were in the middle of recording Peach when my mom had a seizure and went to the hospital where they found she had a blood clot in her leg. This is from that trip back to my hometown to visit her in the hospital… And thats when the name Peach came to be.


Photo of some kid in a grocery store carrying his axe. When I asked if I could take his photo he said yeah, and started SHREDDING! 2014.


photo of the crowd the first time we ever played 924 Gilman St with American Nightmare.


Shane puking into a trash can in Orlando Florida on his birthday on the Nothing/Culture Abuse/Wrong tour, 2017.


Bee Kind To The Bugs!


Gary from Eyehategod showing us his beloved snapping turtle in New Orleans. who even lived through Hurricane Katrina, by being stored in a gumbo pot during their evacuation, 2017.


Shane holding a setlist that was written on a xeroxed photo of our friend Jeff Eaton from Modern Life Is War. not sure where or when this was lol.


Nick and Shane sharing one noodle at Ken Ken Ramen, San Francisco, Ca. 


From the Nothing/Culture Abuse/Wrong tour, 2017. Nicky getting a Peach tattoo by our friend Miranda in the backstage of Sidewinder in Austin, Texas, which is an actual mobile trailer parked inside the venue. 


SMTB and their roadie in San Francisco right after a free show we threw for them in our friend's tiny tattoo parlor.


A photo of my trunk after I pushed out a shopping cart full of groceries from 2015. Absolutely broke shoplifting to survive. 


This was our first band van, Penny. bought in Los Angeles for $4,000 off the street. it was a sober living homes transportation van before ours. Pretty ironic. The photo was taken in Connecticut on tour with Touche Amore & Tiny Moving Parts.


Boarding a flight from the UK to Italy for 3 weeks to start rehearsing and learning the songs that would come to be on Bay Dream.


On the Nothing/Culture Abuse/Wrong tour, we drove all night to get to Orlando, Florida in time for the next show, when we got to the hotel we found out our tour manager/homie had booked the wrong night, so we slept in the van in their parking lot. It was so humid that some of us slept in the grass only to wake up to the sprinklers going off.


Riding the train into Amsterdam with all of our gear so we could meet Epitaph Europe for the first time and have them take us to a rehearsal space they had rented for us where we would demo for the next 3 weeks.


Shane playing in some bubbles.


Bay Dream is out now!

Check out more: