
Beach Slang split following allegations of "constant emotional, psychological and narcissistic abuse"

The family of Beach Slang frontman James Alex have posted a statement after former manager Charlie Lowe accused him of emotional abuse.

Beach Slang split following allegations of "constant emotional, psychological and narcissistic abuse"
Emily Carter

Following accusations of emotional abuse against Beach Slang's James Alex, the band have split up.

The frontman (and sole original member) was accused last week of "constant emotional, psychological and narcissistic abuse" by the band's former manager Charlie Lowe. In a series of tweets, Charlie stated that she had been diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of James' behaviour towards her – detailing how he used her "as his goddamn personal servant, on tour and not", made sure she was "always so financially fucked with no other options", "punched holes through things because he was sick of me crying by his own hand" and called her "an 'ungrateful bitch'".

On Instagram, James' family responded to the accusations with a statement reporting that the musician "is now in an inpatient facility after attempting to take his life", and "is getting the help he needs and will be on a true path to recovery".

They write that James “had moments of compulsiveness, emotional instability, and chaotic relationships, but none of his actions were intentional or meant to hurt or harm anyone, certainly not those who cared for or believed in him. They were an unfortunate result of unimaginable childhood trauma, violent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and years of untreated resultant severe mental health issues.”

Addressing his diagnosis of bipolar disorder, paranoid schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder, the statement continues: “While mental illness does not excuse anyone to cause others emotional duress, it should at least be acknowledged that it may cause one to unknowingly hurt others and themselves with their words and actions.”

And, mentioning the state of the band, they write: “Beach Slang is over. He has no plans to return to music. He would just like the opportunity for forgiveness, compassion, and understanding, or if not, to be forgotten so everyone involved can move on with peace in their lives. To those who have supported, played in, or worked with Beach Slang, thank you for your time, dedication, and love. For those who can no longer do that, you can know it was still appreciated when you did, but understood if you now cannot.”

Read it in full below:

Charlie has since responded to the Beach Slang statement with the following tweets, noting that it "contains no apology whatsoever, nor does it mention me at all, effectively silencing me as the victim and putting the spotlight right back on James for sympathy":

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