
Black Spiders Return And Announce New Album

Brit riff lords Black Spiders announce their first album in six years, drop new song Fly In The Soup…

Black Spiders Return And Announce New Album
Nick Ruskell

It was proper shit when Black Spiders split up. Proudly carrying the spirit of Motörhead, it was a tearful moment when they packed things in four years ago. GOOD NEWS, THEN: THEY’RE BACK!

Not just back – they’ve got a new album due early next year, and a new song, Fly In The Soup, that you can wrap your listening gear around right now.

“It seemed an obvious choice for the first single,” explains frontman Pete Spiby. “It’s classic Black Spiders and a good song to step back into the affray. The sentiment of it is we’re back and here to annoy you, so deal with it!"

“Lockdown was actually a pretty productive time for us, so much energy and positivity,” he continues. “We couldn’t stop writing; it was great to have that inspiration, and that connection again. At the same time, it was a whole new way of working. Usually we would get into the rehearsal room and blast through things, but we had to change and it has given us a lot clarity and more time to demo up the songs from a distance and have new perspective. Same with the studio, as we still haven’t actually played the songs together, in a room, old skool.”

“We were blown away with the love we were shown at our final shows, but we needed a break,” adds guitarist Andy ‘Ozzy’ Lister. “We’ve now had some time to think about what truly mattered to us, as a band. Along with any band worth its salt we’re now chomping at the bit to get out and play. Much love to all of our brothers and sisters in the world of music, as well as our amazing fans, we really hope to see you all soon.”

Welcome back, you mad bastards. Here’s to seeing you live in 2021 to be reminded what really, really hard hangovers feel like.

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