
Cannibal Corpse Guitarist Had Over 80 Firearms In His Home, Warned Relatives Of 'The Rapture'

Guitarist Pat O'Brien's firearm cache was so large that the ATF were called in.

Cannibal Corpse Guitarist Had Over 80 Firearms In His Home, Warned Relatives Of 'The Rapture'

Last week, we were disheartened to learn that Cannibal Corpse guitarist Pat O'Brien had been arrested for burglary while his house burned down with ammunition exploding inside. Later, Pat appeared in court dressed in a suicide-prevention vest, and was charged with burglary and assaulting an officer.

Now, the plot in this ongoing saga thickens even further, as the Tampa Bay Times has reported that Pat had over 80 firearms in his home at the time of his arrest, and apparently made worrisome calls to his friends and family with cryptic warnings about 'the rapture', and claiming that 'aliens have landed.'

Pat's cache of firearms included over 50 shotguns, 20 handguns, two Uzis, and ten semi-automatic rifles (which included AK-47s). He also had several explosive devices locked in safes, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and two flame-throwers. While only a sawed-off shotgun was in any way illegal, the collection of guns was large enough that ATF agents were called in to check the wreckage.

According to other documents obtained by the times, Pat's calls to relatives concerning 'the rapture' and 'aliens' were made around the time of the initial incident.

Whether this ongoing saga with Pat will affect Cannibal Corpse's plans to tour with Slayer next year remains to be seen. In the meantime, our hearts go out to Pat and his friends, family, and bandmates during this trying time.

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