Now Hear This: Theresa Jarvis on the best alt.rock, weird pop and chilled vibesYONAKA singer Theresa Jarvis brings you the new bands to check out now, including tiLLie, DELPHii and Sophie And The Giants…
The 20 greatest Rammstein songs – rankedFrom 1995’s Herzeleid to 2019’s untitled masterpiece, we rank Rammstein's most incendiary offerings...
Trash Boat: Tobi Duncan’s track-by-track guide to Don’t You Feel Amazing?Vocalist Tobi Duncan goes through the inspirations behind every song on Trash Boat's superb third album, Don’t You Feel Amazing?
Metallica: 20 things you probably didn’t know about The Black AlbumEverybody knows Metallica’s ‘Black Album’ from front to back, but how much do you know about the record itself? Well, we’ve got some juicy secrets for you…
When The Sun Hits: How Deafheaven stepped out of the shadows to embrace a brave new dawnOver the past decade, Deafheaven’s signature blend of blackened ballast and soothing shoegaze has earned their reputation as one of the most captivating, cutting-edge outfits in heavy music. As gauzy fifth LP Infinite Granite pushes forward, into softer textures and sweeter melodies, we find out how they’ll never risk stagnation for the sake of safety...
The most important gateway songs in rock, as chosen by the fansFrom Linkin Park to Guns N’ Roses to Paramore, these are the songs that have turned millions of people into fully-fledged rock and metal fans. To be fair, they’re all bangers.
Pearl Jam’s Jeff Ament on life, loss and his most personal solo album yetJeff Ament has spent the past 18 months writing and painting his way through the pandemic. Here he opens up about the love and loss supercharging I Should Be Outside, his most personal solo outing yet, and looks ahead to Pearl Jam’s impending live return…
Machine Head: Robb Flynn’s track-by-track guide to Burn My EyesOver a quarter of a century since its release, Robb Flynn talks us through Machine Head’s seminal debut Burn My Eyes.
The 20 greatest Weezer songs – rankedFrom Blue to Green to Red to White and beyond, we rank Weezer’s coolest cuts…
Slipknot: Jim Root’s track-by-track guide to We Are Not Your KindJim Root takes us inside the creation of Slipknot’s sixth album We Are Not Your Kind, one track at a time.
“You have to be prepared to go 10 steps beyond”: The magic of Nightwish’s OnceWith 2004’s Once, Tuomas Holopainen let his imagination run wild – and it turned Finnish symphonic metallers Nightwish into one of the biggest bands in Europe…
Now Hear This: Sophie K on the best new ska, pop-punk and djentKerrang! Radio host Sophie K brings you the new bands you need to check out now, including nightlife, We Are The Union and In The Mourning…
Exclusive preview: Early Guns N' Roses photographs from upcoming LA exhibitTake a first-look at a dozen shots from the very early days of Guns N' Roses in Los Angeles, just before they took over the world.
Dee Snider: "We used to wear women's clothing, until the night my wife showed up and I was wearing the same top she was"Dee Snider revisits his first forays into rock'n'roll, brawling onstage, his iconic Twisted Sister look and how he stood his ground against the PMRC...
“Lulu is better than it gets credit for” and 18 more of your controversial rock opinionsWe present a selection of fans’ most controversial opinions, taking aim at rock giants, bourbon and more…