Album Review: DragonForce – Extreme Power MetalDragonForce unleash extreme cheese on Extreme Power Metal…
Album review: SCARLXRD – IMMXRTALISATIXNBrit trap-metaller SCARLXRD returns sooner than expected on IMMXRTALISATIXN. Yep, he’s still really aggro…
Album Review: The Menzingers – Hello ExileThe Menzingers contemplate life, punk and death as they continue to get older and wiser on Hello Exile
Album Review: GosT - ValedictionDark synthwave duo GosT take a walk on the sleazy side on Valediction…
Album Review: Renounced – Beauty Is A Destructive AngelBrit metalcore truthers Renounced triumph on third album Beauty Is A Destructive Angel
Album Review: Nothing, Nowhere. x Travis Barker – BloodlustEmerging rapper Nothing, Nowhere. hooks up with blink-182 drummer for killer EP
Album Review: Of Mice & Men - EARTHANDSKYRejuvenated Orange County metallers Of Mice & Men continue to improve on sixth album EARTHANDSKY…
Album Review: Opeth – In Cauda VenenumOpeth use their native tongue and prog excess on In Cauda Venenum, their oddest album yet…
Album Review: Steel Panther – Heavy Metal RulesSteel Panther continue to run the joke into the ground on Heavy Metal Rules…
Album Review: Exhorder – Mourn The Southern SkiesNew Orleans metal legends Exhorder return from the wilderness on killer Mourn The Southern Skies album…
Album Review: Slash Ft. Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators – Living The Dream TourSlash and co. get caught in the act on excellent Living The Dream Tour live album…
Album Review: Pixies – Beneath The EyrieOh look – Pixies are still awesome on new album Beneath The Eyrie…
Album Review: Chelsea Wolfe – Birth Of ViolenceChelsea Wolfe isolates and rediscovers herself on the haunting Birth Of Violence…