Album Review: Slipknot – We Are Not Your KindIowa’s finest, Slipknot, continue to break boundaries on intense, innovative sixth album, We Are Not Your Kind…
Album Review: Tennis System – LovesickTennis System serve up a warm dose of shoegaze on killer third album, Lovesick…
Album Review: Volbeat – Rewind, Replay, ReboundDanish rockers Volbeat fail to charm on Rewind, Replay, Rebound…
Album Review: Thy Art Is Murder – Human TargetAussie deathcore sluggers Thy Art Is Murder still can’t mellow out on vicious fifth album, Human Target…
Album Review: Sabaton – The Great WarSwedish military-metallers Sabaton deliver wartime remembrance on gung-ho ninth album, The Great War…
Album Review: Lingua Ignota – CaligulaLingua Ignota brings stunning discord and unsettling vibes on second album, Caligula…
Album Review: Sum 41 – Order In DeclineSum 41 take a darkly personal view of the world on their heaviest album to date, Order In Decline…
Album Review: Batushka – HospodiMysterious Polish clergy Batushka take black metal to strange new places on second album, Hospodi…
Album Review: Abbath – OutstriderBlack metal icon Abbath wipes the smile off your face on epic, frostbitten second solo album, Outstrider…
Album Review: Phoxjaw – A Playground For Sad AdultsRising Brits Phoxjaw get brilliantly odd on imaginative second EP, A Playground For Sad Adults…
Album Review: Doll Skin – Love Is Dead And We Killed HerAngry punks Doll Skin take on the entire world on Love Is Dead And We Killed Her…
Album Review: Heilung – FuthaOlde Worlde European folk troupe Heilung resurrect the ancient ways on the glorious Futha…
Album Review: Chris Shiflett – Hard LessonsFoo Fighters guitarist Chris Shiflett twangs away on Hard Lessons solo album…
Album Review: Lord Vicar – The Black PowderLord Vicar channel the power of misery on The Black Powder