Mixtape review: snake eyes – the lovehate mixtapeSouth Coast alt.rock trio snake eyes bite just hard enough on eight-track mixtape…
Album review: Exodus – Persona Non GrataBay Area metal heroes Exodus continue to take out the thrash…
Album review: The Darkness – MotorheartOn the scale of rock’n’roll silliness, The Darkness take seventh album Motorheart all the way to 11…
EP review: All Hail The Yeti – Within The Hollow EarthLos Angeles metal mainstays All Hail The Yeti delve Within The Hollow Earth and emerge with seven tracks of supernatural sludginess….
Album review: IDLES – CrawlerThe UK’s most incendiary post-punks IDLES continue to evolve, not revolve, on fourth album...
Album review: Kills Birds – MarriedLos Angeles alt-punks Kills Birds deliver on their soaring promise with the refinement, restlessness and rage of Married...
Album review: Darkwoods My Betrothed – Angel Of Carnage UnleashedBlack metal pioneers Darkwoods My Betrothed complete comeback album Angel Of Carnage Unleashed – thanks to some unlikely help from Nightwish...
Album review: Kanaan – EarthboundNorwegian psych rockers Kanaan get heavy on fourth album Earthbound…
Album review: Bailer – Disposable YouthIrish hardcore crew Bailer deliver a hefty blow on debut full-length, Disposable Youth
Album review: Bonded – Into BlacknessGerman thrashers Bonded unleash the darkness and gnarly riffs once more...
Album review: MØL – DioramaDanish blackgaze force MØL go deeper into the black on their second album, Diorama.
Album review: Portrayal Of Guilt – ChristfuckerTexas blackened-hardcore collective Portrayal Of Guilt leave scorched earth in their wake on terrifying third album, Christfucker.
Album review: Bullet For My Valentine – Bullet For My ValentineBrit metal veterans Bullet For My Valentine scream back to action on their heaviest album ever…
Album review: Emma Ruth Rundle – Engine Of HellEmma Ruth Rundle strips back and digs deep on haunting, very solo, offering, Engine Of Hell…
Album review: SeeYouSpaceCowboy – The Romance Of AfflictionSan Diego sasscore outfit SeeYouSpaceCowboy provide cathartic thrills on second album The Romance Of Affliction…