Album review: Tropical Fuck Storm – Deep StatesAussie art-punks Tropical Fuck Storm rain down weirdness on third album Deep States.
Album review: Between The Buried And Me – Colors IIProg metal cult heroes Between The Buried And Me successfully gamble on superb sequel, Colors II.
Album review: Necronautical – Slain In The SpiritBrit extreme metallers Necronautical explore the darkness in expansive fashion on Slain In The Spirit.
Album review: Wolves In The Throne Room – Primordial ArcanaU.S. black metal trailblazers Wolves In The Throne Room excel on seventh offering, Primordial Arcana.
Album review: Lil Lotus – ERRØR BØYLil Lotus provides more Travis Barker-approved pop-punk on debut LP, ERRØR BØY…
Bloodstock 2021: What happened on the SundayAll the highlights from the final day of Bloodstock 2021 – including Judas Priest's triumphant closing set!
Bloodstock 2021: What happened on the SaturdayAll the action from the Saturday of Bloodstock – from Conjurer to Kreator!
Bloodstock 2021: What happened on the FridayHere's what went down on the Friday of Bloodstock – from Svalbard to Devin Townsend…
Album review: Trash Boat – Don't You Feel Amazing?St. Albans punks Trash Boat go for broke on epic third album, Don't You Feel Amazing?
Album review: GosT – Rites Of Love And ReverenceShadowy U.S. synthwave maverick GosT casts a somewhat different spell on witchy sixth album…
EP review: Meet Me @ The Altar – Model CitizenKerrang! coverstars Meet Me @ The Altar give pop-punk a shake-up on triumphant new EP, Model Citizen…
Album review: Quicksand – Distant PopulationsRevered New York post-hardcore group Quicksand continue their reunion in mesmerising form with Distant Populations.
EP review: Y!KES – LostalgiaBirmingham grunge-pop party-starters Y!KES deliver a frightfully good time on Lostalgia…
Album review: Foxing – Draw Down The MoonOne-time emo/indie-rock stalwarts Foxing go for gold on ambitious fourth album, Draw Down The Moon
Album review: Lingua Ignota – SINNER GET READYIconoclastic American artist Lingua Ignota unleashes disturbing songs of faith and devotion on fourth album SINNER GET READY...