
Watch YUNGBLUD's New Video for Cotton Candy

YUNGBLUD's new "sexual liberation" anthem now has a suitably sexy accompanying video.

Watch YUNGBLUD's New Video for Cotton Candy
Nick Ruskell

YUNGBLUD has released the video for his new single Cotton Candy – and, considering its lyrical themes of “sexual liberation”, it's just what we expected it to be…

The latest single ahead of the Doncaster dandy’s second album Weird!, the song deals with love in all its myriad, shameless forms, and the clip is a lovely tribute to the joys of getting it on with the person you love most.

“Cotton Candy is about sexual liberation,” he says. “To me, sex and sexuality is about freedom and the idea that you can to lose yourself in other people of all genders, of all shapes and sizes to find yourself and figure out who you truly are. Sexual interaction should not be shamed, it should be celebrated because to have safe sex is to spread love and the world needs love more than ever right now.

Read this: YUNGBLUD is the weirdo this generation needs

“This song is so important to me because I see and speak to my fanbase, facing insecurities around sexual interaction and I want to let them know that it is okay to be exactly who they are and have the right to unconditionally love who they want and be loved in return.”

Weird! is due out on November 13, and features previous singles God Save Me, But Don’t Drown Me Out, Weird! and Strawberry Lipstick.

YUNGBLUD also recently appeared commanding a giant robot in Bring Me The Horizon’s video for Obey. Which is worth watching again. Robots.

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