
CJ Gilpin: "Find what you love and live and breathe it – inject that beautiful female energy and watch magic happen"

Dream State vocalist CJ Gilpin writes about being the change you want to see in the world.

CJ Gilpin: "Find what you love and live and breathe it – inject that beautiful female energy and watch magic happen"
CJ Gilpin
Andy Ford

I think if you ever want to see any change in the world and in yourself, it’s a cliché, but it always starts with you.

So the message I want to put out there to my sisters is to just speak your truth and love yourself, recognise that beautiful feminine energy that flows through you, love every aspect yourself, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, it is all part of you and your construct and it’s all worthy of being loved.

I used to beat myself up so much for the way I am and punish myself mentally and physically for it after years of being told I was ‘crazy’ or ‘psycho’ for showing any form of emotion. It wasn’t until someone woke me up one day and told me that I wouldn’t be able to perform, write and be who I am without the fire, without the passion and without the emotion so I should love it – and I do now.

Please be you, stop trying to please the world and do things for yourself, you deserve love and light and you can do anything you want if you really commit to it and love it.

Find what you love and live and breathe it – inject that beautiful female energy and watch magic happen.

If I listened to any of the people who told me girls can’t play guitar or girls don’t suit rock, I wouldn’t be where I am today, I took those words as a challenge, girls can rock just as hard as any guy. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING you want, girls. Just go for it!

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