
Creeper Announce London Gig In November

Goth-punks Creeper are returning to the stage this November for a live show titled Fugitives From Heaven.

Creeper Announce London Gig In November

Earlier this month, we wondered what the fuck was going on with the former members of goth punks Creeper, given the weird images and videos being posted to their social media accounts. Now, it's been revealed that Creeper are coming back with a gig in London this November.

The band posted the following to their Twitter:

The tweet includes a link to this event page, which appears to herald their return to the stage the day after Halloween in London. The November 1st date seems to echo the one-off show the band played last year -- which is also the show where the band broke up. The night ended with the band hanging up their infamous Callous Hearts jackets and announcing that it was not just the last show of that tour, but of their career as a unit.

At the same time, they posted this to their Instagram:

READ THIS: We go inside the mystery of Creeper's Room 309

What this means for the band besides a live show -- well, that's still to be determined. Are Creeper changing their names to Fugitives Of Heaven? Is this the name of an album they're planning, or a side project they're going to be playing in? And how does this play into Creeper's larger mythos,especially given how their latest viral teasers have been more spiritual and weird than outright spooky?

We're not quite sure yet, but we'll keep you posted when we know anything further. In the meantime, happy Halloween.

The band's paranormal Instagram story posts seem to indicate Creeper have something big in the works, and are in some ways related to the idea of people fleeing heaven. One fan identified the bizarre message on their story as a section from the Book of Corinthians in the Bible: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. How the trumpets will sound and the Dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed. How this perishable must put on the imperishable and this mortal must put on immortality.”

READ THIS: Creeper share new video for single version of Misery

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