
Creeper’s Hannah Greenwood: The 10 songs that changed my life

Creeper keyboardist / vocalist Hannah Greenwood shares the music that made her – from Elvis Presley to Paramore!

Creeper’s Hannah Greenwood: The 10 songs that changed my life
Ian Winwood
Andy Ford

When she’s not playing keys and singing in Creeper, Hannah Greenwood is probably digging into her vast and eclectic music taste…

The first song I can remember hearing...Duran Duran – Ordinary World (1993)

“I love Duran Duran so much. I used to go on family holidays with my parents when I was younger, we had a little holiday home in Cyprus, and they’d always play Duran Duran’s greatest hits. That was the first song I remember hearing and thinking, ‘Wow, this is amazing.’ My parents were pretty cool cats, and in fact they’re pretty cool cats now. My mum’s pretty diverse in her taste in music, which is great.”

The song that reminds me of my school days...Boo Radleys – Wake Up Boo! (1995)

“We did a Year 11 leavers’ assembly video and this was the opening song. I only have to hear the song for a few seconds now, and there I am back in my school days. It wasn’t what made me want to be in a band, though. That would probably be something by Senses Fail. I was a proper emo.”

The saddest song that I’ve ever heard...Randy Newman – When She Loved Me (1999)

“This is a difficult one because there’s so many to choose from, but the first song that comes to mind is When She Loved Me by Randy Newman. It’s one of the songs from Toy Story 2, and every time I hear it, it makes me cry. It’s not just the lyrics, either. It’s everything about it, because Randy Newman is amazing. In the film it’s played when Jesse, the doll, is being played with by her human, who then grows up and leaves her on the side, so she’s kind of like a lost toy, or someone in a love song who isn’t loved anymore. It’s heartbreaking, but it’s also cute in a strange way.”

The first song that I ever wrote...Hannah Greenwood – The White Horse (N/A)

“I’m not very good at songwriting anymore, because I’m really slow and self-critical. But when I was younger I used to write a lot, and when I was seven I wrote a song called The White Horse. Today, I couldn’t tell you how it goes, but it was inspired by the composer Ludovico Einaudi and it was a piano piece. When I was younger I did a lot of classical music, and I did a lot of things with strings, but these days I don’t do enough of that. I really need to pull my finger out, though, because I don’t do enough writing. I should just go for it.”

The song that I love to play live...Creeper – Crickets (2017)

“It’s my solo moment. It’s nice because it makes for a bit of a slow part in the set, when it’s only me and Ian [Miles] playing the guitar. That’s when I can connect with the audience on an emotional level. I’m further forward, then, so I can see all of their faces and hear everybody singing along, and that’s always a special moment for me.”

The song that picks me up when I’m down...Hall & Oates – You Make My Dreams (1980)

“If I ever feel sad, or I’m overthinking something, I put this song on and my mind immediately shifts to thinking about how amazing it is. It’s the kind of song that makes you want to click your fingers. Hall & Oates in general are just so good. Maybe I’m a secret soul girl, because from being immersed in classical music at college I’ve since gone through everything, basically. I like to think that my music tastes are vast.”

The song that gets the party started...Luke Bryan – Country Girl (2011)

“It depends on what kind of party it is, but if Dan [Bratton, Creeper drummer] and I were to get a party going on tour we’d put this on. We’re both big country music fans. I can picture a dressing room where Dan and I are drinking double whiskies and boogying around. It’s a real toe-tapping country rock song, and it’s not to everyone’s taste, but when I think of a party this is where my mind goes.”

The song that I wish I had written...Paramore – Playing God (2010)

“To be honest, any Paramore song would do here. They were one of my biggest inspirations growing up, and when I hear this I wish I was that talented a singer and songwriter. I would love to meet Hayley [Williams, vocalist] to see what she’s like.”

The best song to fall in love to...Elvis Presley – Can’t Help Falling In Love (1961)

“This is so raw and it sums up what it feels like when you’re falling in love with someone. My mum got remarried last year and I sang it at her wedding. I remember thinking, ‘This is the perfect song.’”

The song I want played at my funeral...The Trammps – Disco Inferno (1976)

“I haven’t decided yet whether I want to be cremated or buried, but a song with the words ‘burn baby burn’ soundtracking it would be hilarious. Plus, I want people to laugh at my funeral!”

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