
Cristina Scabbia: “We need to stop looking at each other and start looking towards the same direction, together”

For International Women’s Day 2022, Lacuna Coil vocalist Cristina Scabbia considers her position in the scene and why her gender doesn’t impact who she is.

Cristina Scabbia: “We need to stop looking at each other and start looking towards the same direction, together”
Cristina Scabbia

To be honest, being the only woman in Lacuna Coil hasn’t been the constant focus of my life and my career.

Though in the past it’s true I’ve has some bad experiences – for example, not being taken seriously at work. Even moments before hitting the stage I was mistaken for a groupie, girlfriend or hanger-on. I used to think this was due to the lack of female performers in the metal scene.

Looking at it the other way, I can’t deny I’ve definitely had some benefits in a lot of cases / situations, and media have also paid more attention to me for my appearance and gender.

In reality, though, I’ve never felt out of place for being a woman in the male-dominated music industry, but I’ve also never expected to be treated differently in comparison with my colleagues for simply having a vagina.

Believe me, I’ve been thinking a lot about this.

I’ve been wondering if my serenity comes from the fact that I’ve never had serious issues at work and (in life in general) just for being a woman, or if I’ve turned into patriarchy’s handmaid without even realising.

Maybe being constantly surrounded by men, for so long, has impacted on my awareness for the need of a revolt? I’ve come to the conclusion that I only feel like a human being, just like everyone else. Because that’s what I am, regardless of my sexuality. I’m strong yet delicate, I’m good at doing my job, I know my limits and also my skills.

I feel like the male and female universes are always competing, on this endless run to get to the finish line first, to prove their worth, while what we actually need is to just stop looking at each other and start looking towards the same direction, together.

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