
Crown The Empire Guitarist Tested Positive For Coronavirus

Crown The Empire guitarist Brandon Hoover has confirmed he recently tested positive for COVID-19.

Crown The Empire Guitarist Tested Positive For Coronavirus

While the live music scene has halted and bands and artists are putting themselves in self-quarantine to prevent the spread of coronavirus, unfortunately not everyone has escaped contracting the illness. Now, Crown The Empire guitarist Brandon Hoover has revealed he recently tested positive for coronavirus.

"I've been told to self-quarantine for 14 days (or until further notice)," he says in a statement. "I believe I contracted it through travelling to all these different countries over the past couple of months, but honestly who the fuck knows, it could have happened anywhere."

Discussing his symptoms and the illness as a whole, Brandon added:

"About a week ago I started getting a sore throat, congestion, and was more tired than usual. Then all of a sudden I had severe body aches and a fever of 102 degrees. I was in bed for a couple of days sleeping in puddles of my own sweat. Honestly I thought I just had the flu! So I went to the emergency room and got tested for that as well as the coronavirus and got my results back last night confirming that I have it."

Thankfully he seems to be feeling better now, continuing: "Currently I feel back to normal and most of the symptoms have passed. If anything changes I'll let y'all know. I advise everyone to keep yourselves informed, stay isolated, drink lots of water and wash your hands! I love you all. Please stay safe out there."

Get well soon, Brandon! Our thoughts are with all those who have been affected by coronavirus in this terribly strange and sad time.

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