
Dave Grohl: Big Tipper, Fan Of Satan

Generous AND evil!? What a guy…

Dave Grohl: Big Tipper, Fan Of Satan

Dave Grohl (you might have heard of him – he plays in this informal jam band called Foo Fighters who tour a bit, and used to be in this other band, the name of which escapes us) recently had a night out at the Rainbow Bar and Grill in LA, like any good rock star worth their salt should.

At the end of a night presumably toasting Lemmy's ghost and telling gnarly touring stories about the old days, the damage came to a not-inconsiderable $333.30. Ol' Dave was clearly feeling generous after a fun evening out, and bumped the tip up to correspond with Chapter 13, verses 17-18 of The Book of Revelation, which reads: "Let the one with understanding reckon the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666." Because like any good fan of heavy metal, he worships the dark lord and wants the world to know.

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Listen to Dave Grohl's most evil release, Probot's very metal 2004 self-titled album, right here:

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