
Dave Grohl Launches New Instagram Page, Dave's True Stories

The Foo Fighters frontman will be "sharing some of the more ridiculous moments" of his life with his audience.

Dave Grohl Launches New Instagram Page, Dave's True Stories
Tom Barnes

Exciting news! While he is "currently looking for work" amid the coronavirus outbreak, Dave Grohl has launched a new Instagram page called Dave's True Stories.

The Foo Fighters frontman and all-round rock legend has announced that he has decided to "pass the time by writing true short stories that will make people smile".

Read this next: 20 things you probably didn’t know about Dave Grohl

"My mother was a brilliant English teacher, my father a wicked speechwriter, so I decided to rebel by not paying attention to grammar and/or punctuation in school (that, and cranking death metal 24/7 from my bedroom stereo)," he continues. "So… have mercy. Not going for a Nobel Prize in literature here.

"I look forward to sharing some of the more ridiculous moments of my life with you. Stay tuned!

"Wash your fucking hands."

Last year, Dave explained why he didn't have any social media accounts (well… until now).

“Well, I understand that it can be useful when you want people to know stuff,” he said. “So, like, if we make a song, then if we put it on there, then people will know we have a new song. But I don’t necessarily feel the need to tell everyone when I’m taking a shit or whatever. But I get it – I understand why people would. But it’s not really my thing.”

He also discussed how he was trying to navigate having three daughters growing up in a time where social media is so prevalent:

“I think everybody finds their way in doing all that kind of stuff. It has a lot to do with their friends, it has a lot to do with what they’re interested in. It usually begins with a project: ‘I’m gonna do a project. Can I get an Instagram account because I’m gonna do a project with horses? I’m gonna have my own horse YouTube channel!’

“It starts like that. And then you wind up in front of a mirror in a thong – I think that’s what happens!”

Foo Fighters recently announced that they were postponing dates on their U.S. Van Tour 2020 due to coronavirus. However, in much happier news, their new album is finished – and unlike anything they've ever done before

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