Exciting news! Deftones have confirmed that they’ve made very good progress on an “invigorated” new album – and all that’s left is for frontman Chino Moreno to record his vocals.
At this weekend’s Coachella, Chino and drummer Abe Cunningham chatted with radio station KROQ backstage and revealed that all the music is complete for the follow-up to 2020’s excellent Ohms. However, they add that they’re “not really in a rush”, with Chino looking to lay down his parts at home in Oregon in a few weeks’ time.
“Basically, where we’re sitting right now is we have a whole record recorded all musically,” the singer shares (transcribed by Blabbermouth). “And it’s pretty much my job right now to finish up the vocals. And I have, obviously, this show again next week, and then straight after that, I go back home to Oregon and I go in the studio. So as long as that takes… I hate to put a definite kind of timeframe, ’cause we’re not really in a rush. We want it to be great. I think that’s most important. But it is coming, and, yeah, it’s really good. We’re really excited with what we’ve been working on. And everybody’s jazzed.”
While the pair don’t give much away just yet in terms of what we can expect from it, Chino says that the record has an “invigorated kind of sound”, because Deftones hadn’t been in the studio together since before the pandemic.
“The creative part, to me, is always kind of the funnest part of being in this band,” he explains. “Performing is great, but coming up with something out of nothing, that feeling cannot be topped. And so when you get in the room with your friends, we’re laughing, we’re having fun and then someone does something and then I react to it or they react to what I’m doing, it goes in a circle and then, all of a sudden, we lift our heads up and there’s something that exists that didn’t exist before we walked in that room. That’s just great.”
Watch the full interview below: