
EP review: Inhuman Nature – Under The Boot

A short, sharp, speedy shock from Brit thrashists Inhuman Nature…

EP review: Inhuman Nature – Under The Boot
Nick Ruskell

Inhuman Nature are in a proper rush. Under The Boot gets its business done in but 12 minutes, and for much of it they’re going like the clappers. Yes, this is thrash. But it’s thrash with a few ideas up its sleeve and a knowledge of good old sonic beefiness that makes this EP a satisfyingly heavy, speedy rush.

They’re not reinventing the wheel (and why would you want it so?), but there’s moments of nifty cleverness and dynamic dynamite that give the songs a boost. As opener City Of The Dead kicks in and hits fever pitch after its spooky intro, there’s also a shade of nastiness as well. Singer Chris Barling’s vocals are delightfully unhinged and evil sounding, sort of like Kreator’s Mille Petrozza without the German accent. When they drop down a gear, meanwhile, they’ve got the heavy-footed stomp of Power Trip absolutely nailed.

The title-track has some serious twin lead-guitar work to go with the mayhem, while Ride The Apocalypse’s slower chug might as well have been written after someone wrote ‘stank face’ on a piece of paper and pinned it to the rehearsal room wall as a mission statement. It all makes for an EP that’s over far too soon, but points to greater things to come in future if they can keep the momentum up.

Under The Boot? Boot planted firmly in your arse, more like.

Verdict: 3/5

For fans of: Kreator, Power Trip, Exodus

Under The Boot is released on February 11 via Church Road

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