
Exclusive: Beartooth Premiere Killer New Track, You Never Know

That chorus, though.

Exclusive: Beartooth Premiere Killer New Track, You Never Know

Beartooth are premiering a brilliant new track, You Never Know, exclusively with Kerrang!.

The song is lifted from the Ohio mob's incredible new album Disease (we can say that, we've heard it), which is due out on September 28 via Red Bull Records – pre-order it right now at .

“You Never Know is a song that I wrote with Drew Fulk – aka WZRD BLD,” explains frontman Caleb Shomo. “It was the first song we wrote together, we wrote it about 40 minutes. We just went and got coffee and talked about things going on in our lives and our mental states at the time and just sort of came to a common ground and the song just rolled out from there! It’s a jammer – play it loud!”

Go on, you heard the man:

We recently caught up with Caleb to have a big old chat about Disease. The frontman told us that it was the most gruelling – both physically and emotionally – album he's ever made.

“I’d say this record was by far the hardest,” the frontman says. “This was hands-down the most difficult record I’ve ever made – it’s the most depression and anxiety-fuelled album I’ve ever made. It was a really, really hard thing to get through. Emotionally, I mean, good lord! By the end I was in a really fucking bad place. It was tough to fight through. Once I’ve committed to making a record a certain way, there’s no fucking backing out. Say I’m doing a drum track, and a few of the snare hits are off, you just throw a drum sample on and nobody knows any difference. But I couldn’t do that, because I chose for it to be real instruments. So I would sit there and do fucking drum take after drum take, and it was this psychotic fucking thing of, ‘It probably can’t be played any better, but it’s not fucking good enough!’ And then freaking out and playing it over and over again. There was a whole lot of stress that I felt making this album. It was basically between the fight of: ‘Do I really make a fucking true and honest record?’ or: ‘Do I just cop out and make the singles that I know people are going to want to hear? What do I do?’ But I chose to make an honest record, and I’m really glad I made that choice.”

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