
Exclusive: Charger (Rancid, Operation Ivy) Are An Old-School Juggernaut

The new track by Charger, featuring Matt Freeman of Rancid and Op Ivy, is perfect music for anyone who lives in leather.

Exclusive: Charger (Rancid, Operation Ivy) Are An Old-School Juggernaut

On their upcoming EP, Charger, the new band featuring bassist/vocalist Matt Freeman of Rancid and Operation Ivy fame, make a crucial choice that most punks get wrong when trying to bring metal into the mix. Rather than try to add hardcore weight onto punk riffs and double down on tough-guy posturing, the band instead go full Motörhead, adding countrified distortion and speed metal dirtbaggery to their music. The result is old-school thrash-punk that sounds fun, tough, and filthy without having to play gangster (remember, Lemmy never had a mugshot). The band's self-titled EP, due out May 10th on Pirates Press Records, is seven tracks of blazing rock'n'roll that'll scratch the itch of anyone who loves the smell of sweaty denim.

The new Charger single, Crackdown, has this attitude to a T. The track starts with a urgent bass line that leads into a roller coaster of southern-fried speed riffs. Over it all, Matt bellows like a mechanical frog that's never been oiled, lending a necessary grodiness to the band's sound. Meanwhile, how can an old-school metal song go wrong with a chorus that's mostly just the name of the song shouted as a gang vocal? This one slaps, and may inspire you to buy an iron cross necklace and smoke half a pack of cigarettes.

Check out Charger's Crackdown below:

Take a look at the cover of Charger's debut EP below:

Charger's self-titled EP drops Friday, May 10th, via Pirates Press Records. The EP and the band's awesome merch are all already available to preorder, and all of their tracks is available to pre-save on Spotify

If you want to drink a domestic 30-rack and lose your shit to Charger live, check them out at the following date:


17 - Oakland, CA - Eli’s Mile High Club

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