
Fans Show How They're Self-Isolating In Stand Atlantic's New Video

Stand Atlantic fans are showing what they're up to at home in the band's new video for Drink To Drown.

Fans Show How They're Self-Isolating In Stand Atlantic's New Video

Stand Atlantic have just released a beautiful new single, Drink To Drown, with a heartwarming fan video to accompany it.

The Aussie gang have – like the rest of the world – been feeling the effects of coronavirus, explaining that the new album they've been working on for over a year has been postponed.

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In its place, though, the band reached out to their fanbase for videos of what they've all been up to while we've been self-isolating, using these clips to make up Stand Atlantic's new video for Drink To Drown.

“We’re living through history right now and as scary and uncertain as this time may be, the one thing that has been so positive to see is how everyone has come together," explains lead vocalist and guitarist Bonnie Fraser. "Everyone is going through it all at once, we’re looking out for each other from afar and there’s something comforting about that which makes it feel like maybe this is all going to be okay.

"We also wanted to portray some positive aspects about the impacts of isolation. We had our fans across the world who are currently in isolation send us videos of themselves doing things they either never had time to do or have never even thought about doing, but now have the time to try them out. We hope this will spark creativity and solidarity to anybody who’s watching and has been affected by COVID-19.”

Check it out below:

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