
Former Hardcore Guitarist NYC Councilman To Introduce Bill To Ban Hidden Ticket Fees

"When I was a touring musician, live shows were about having fun and building a sense of community — not nickel and diming kids who like music."

Former Hardcore Guitarist NYC Councilman To Introduce Bill To Ban Hidden Ticket Fees

The mighty Metal Injection reports that former Most Precious Blood and Indecision guitarist and current Brooklyn Councilman Justin Brannan (who was the subject of an anti-heavy music attack ad that even Republicans thought was ridiculous) is to introduce a bill in his district to prevent ticketing companies from surprising gig goers with sneaky hidden ticket fees. If it passes, the bill would make it law for ticketing services to list all fees anywhere they display the price of a ticket.

"When I was a touring musician, live shows were about having fun and building a sense of community — not nickel and diming kids who like music," Brannan told the NY Daily News. "Ticket prices in our city are already through the roof. New Yorkers don't need big retailers making things worse by hiding extra fees until the very end of a sale," he said. "Nobody wants to click on a ticket that costs $50, fill in their name, address, telephone number, email, and credit card information, and then find out it actually costs $100 or more."

Justin Brannan sounds like a good guy to us. Here he is playing guitar with Indecision back in 2016: