
Full Of Hell drop new single featuring Immolation’s Ross Dolan

The next single from Coagulated Bliss is here! And Full Of Hell have teamed up with Ross Dolan for just over one minute of savagery…

Full Of Hell drop new single featuring Immolation’s Ross Dolan
Emily Carter
Zachary Jones

Full Of Hell have unleashed a new single, Gasping Dust, featuring Immolation’s Ross Dolan.

The track is taken from the band’s upcoming album Coagulated Bliss (which is due out on April 26 via Closed Casket Activities), with Ross enthusing that it was an “honour” to be a part of it.

“When Dylan and the gang reached out to me for this, I was so psyched to participate and be part of their new album since I am a huge fan and consider them one of the younger bands leading the way to bring extreme music to the next generation of fans of this genre,” he says.

“Immolation have been close friends and huge fans of Full Of Hell since we first met and toured together in 2017, so needless to say I jumped at the opportunity to participate. The song is a short burst of controlled chaos and fury with lyrics that are dark and very relevant. I love the song and can’t wait for the rest of the world to hear it!”

Check out Gasping Dust below:

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