
Going Off: “There’s a lot of hardcore that has the ‘hard man’ image… None of us are ‘hard’!”

Going Off are aptly named. The Manchester-based hardcore gang are pissed-off, and they’re unleashing it full-force on their sinister new EP, Kill List. But despite all the anger, they’re really just big softies, looking to bring people together…

Going Off: “There’s a lot of hardcore that has the ‘hard man’ image… None of us are ‘hard’!”
Rachel Roberts
Lauren Quarmby

Jake Huxley goes full goblin-mode onstage.

“I can let loose and be the freak that I know I am,” the Going Off frontman begins. “I feel like I’m somewhat of a performer, but it’s also me just not giving a shit and having the most fun I possibly can.”

Anyone who caught Jake and his band on their recent tour with Employed To Serve and Pupil Slicer will know what he means. Tattooed, shouty and seemingly unstoppable, he’s a grinning mess of sweat, anger and joy. And why not? 2023 has been one hell of a springboard for Going Off. They released their debut LP What Makes You Tick? back in February, and rounded things off in December with new EP, Kill List – a title thought up by guitarist Ben Collinson. Be warned: it is a whole new beast.

A short yet explosive collection of banging hardcore tracks, Kill List explores dark philosophies and a range of infuriating issues. Pay The Price, which slams sexual misconduct in the music industry, is just one of eight unapologetic offerings.

“It leans into the idea of returning the violence tenfold, and really exacting some sort of revenge,” explains Jake. “It’s so upsetting how many women have been subjected to such horrors. For me, the least I could do is put it into a song.”

The future is looking immense for the Church Road Records signees. Their next album is already underway, but they’re toying with the idea of releasing further fury-filled EPs which would act as Kill List sequels.

They also hope the coming years will see them carrying out a “bucket list” tour of America, and collaborating with other hardcore and metal artists – and when K! suggest Heriot for the job, Jake grins, “We all think the world of that band. I could have a lot of fun with Jake [Packer, bassist], that’s for sure. The two Jakes!”

Despite the aggression channelled in this new body of music and their relentless shows, Going Off hope to make their live spaces welcoming for everyone.

“We’re all kind of nerdy,” Jake admits. “We’re freaks, but freaks that are for the freaks, you know?”

He exudes pride in his bandmates, who he describes as his best friends, and is immensely grateful to each person who takes the time to dig deep into their music.

“There’s a lot of music in the hardcore scene that I find quite egotistical, or it’s like the ‘hard man’ image,” he says. “None of us are ‘hard’. I think the music’s hard, but when we finish we’re all the loveliest people.”

He smiles. “We want everybody to feel like they can come along and share the experience with us.”

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