
Hayley Williams Praises Black Female Artist's Beautiful Cover Of Paramore's Hard Times

Watch this Paramore fan's Hard Times cover – which Hayley Williams described as being turned "into church".

Hayley Williams Praises Black Female Artist's Beautiful Cover Of Paramore's Hard Times

Paramore and their fans sure are getting creative when it comes to highlighting Black Lives Matter and the hugely important movement across the world right now – from an awesome reimagining of the artwork to the band's 2007 album Riot!, to Hayley Williams handing over her Instagram account to Teens4Equality, giving young black activists a platform to amplify their message.

The vocalist has also shared an absolutely beautiful cover of the band's After Laughter single Hard Times, performed by a black female artist who wrote to Hayley, "Sorry if this is annoying but I was wondering if you could check out my cover of hard times, it was the perfect song to express how I've been feeling lately as a BPOC [black person of colour]."

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Hayley then reposted the cover on her own Twitter, replying, "You just singlehandedly turned Hard Times into church."

She also addressed the fact that some people had asked her to delete various posts from the Teens4Equality takeover, explaining that she wouldn't do that.

"Their passion is pure and earnest, not calculated," Hayley responded. "Their activism is inspiring!! I'm proud of them & youth across the country for learning/educating/standing up for BLM.

"Lastly, the conversation around systemic oppression was never going to be a comfortable one. nor is the convo around police brutality. nor is the one around white privilege. but the conversation is going to happen. it has to. IT'S OVERDUE."

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