
Hear Winston McCall’s crushing guest spot on the new Northlane single

Parkway Drive frontman Winston McCall lends his “brute voice” to new Northlane single Miasma – listen now.

Hear Winston McCall’s crushing guest spot on the new Northlane single
Emily Carter
Andy Ford

Northlane have unleashed a brilliantly heavy new single featuring Winston McCall.

The Aussie crew have teamed up with Parkway Drive singer and fellow countryman Winston for Miasma, and according to guitarist Josh Smith, it’s an absolutely huge deal for the band.

“Parkway Drive were always our number one inspiration as a band,” says Josh. “When we first started, their DVD created a roadmap to success, which we did our best to follow. At a time where every band was ripping their sound off, we chose to take our own path but instead emulate their work ethic, and for us it paid dividends. Over time, that respect has flowed both ways.

“With this track being so heavy, we couldn’t think of a more perfect guest than Winston. He flew down from Byron just after we toured together in North America and we tracked his parts in Jon’s [Deiley, songwriter and guitarist] home studio. His brute voice just tore the track to pieces and we were stunned with the result.”

Check out Miasma below:

The track is taken from Northlane’s upcoming EP Mirror’s Edge, which is due out on April 12. Frontman Marcus Bridge reveals that the whole thing is “like looking at your reflection, looking at the past and everything I’ve been thinking about, or caught up within the last little while. There’s not much positivity in these songs, but it is about acceptance.

“Hopefully, by putting these songs out, I can leave that stuff behind and I can kind of find a new direction and something to be positive about on the other side of this mirror’s edge.”

See the Mirror’s Edge EP tracklist:

1. Mirrors Edge
2. Afterimage (feat. Ian Kenny)
3. Miasma (feat. Winston McCall)
4. Let Me Disappear
5. Kraft (feat. Brendon Padjasek)
6. Dante

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