
Here's your chance to audition to be Steel Panther's new bassist

Have you got what it takes to be the next Lexxi Foxx?

Here's your chance to audition to be Steel Panther's new bassist
Nick Ruskell
Photo via
Steel Panther

Dear bassists looking for employment: Steel Panther are looking to fill the vacancy left by the departure of four-stringer Lexxi Foxx last month.

In their statement announcing Lexxi’s departure, the band noted that, “We may not ever find a bassist quite as beautiful as Lexxi, it shouldn’t be hard to find one to match his towering intellect.” Well, now here’s your chance to put your name into the Panther’s proverbial hat, as the band have opened auditions via their website. Simply head over there and follow the instructions (which include 'Be bitchin'). And, obviously, practice playing the songs first.

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Announcing the news of Lexxi's departure last month, the band were typically serious and straight-faced.

"The great pandemic of 2020 – 2037 has affected all of us. For some, though, it has opened doors of opportunity and been a catalyst to seek out one’s true calling in life. This is Lexxi’s story. He started his side business, 'Sexy Lexxi’s Prettiest Pets’, to bring in money for Botox during the lockdown. But something miraculous happened. He realised that his love for making pets pretty was greater than his love for being pretty himself. Lexxi discovered a greater love. Possibly, the greatest love of all.

"Lexxi has chosen to hang up his mirror and focus on his newfound passion. Making ugly dogs pretty. Anyway, after nearly 40 years of rocking together and taking Steel Panther from the Viper Room to headlining Wembley Arena, it is with heavy hearts – but great heavy metal memories – that we bid Lexxi Foxx farewell. We love you and we wish you a wonderful future putting eyeliner on chihuahuas.”

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