
Heriot unleash “mind-bending” Profound Morality remix with Dislover

The title-track of Heriot’s Profound Morality EP gets quite the reworking, courtesy of producer Dislover…

Heriot unleash “mind-bending” Profound Morality remix with Dislover
Emily Carter
Harry Steel

Heriot have shared an out-there new remix of Profound Morality with producer Dislover.

The title-track from this year’s brilliant EP, this new version is atmospheric, creative and incredibly unsettling, with the band enthusing that they’re “very fond of the idea of seeing other artists reimagining and interpreting our music. Remixes are a wonderful way of hearing a song in a new light.

“Dislover had been on my musical radar for a while, he creates mind-bending industrial/bass music. When the opportunity came about it was a very exciting prospect for us!”

The producer adds: “I am beyond honoured to be a part of this collaboration with the mighty Heriot, one of the UK’s most crushingly heavy bands and also one of my favourite acts in the world right now. I was elated when the band gave me their blessing to work on the remix, and tried my best to retain the original’s devastating power combined with some pulsing dystopian beats and hissing industrial noise. Much love to both Heriot and Church Road Records for allowing me to be a part of this amazing experience!”

Listen below:

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