
High Vis Release Furious New Track, Are Playing With Culture Abuse This Month

Austere, angry punk with peppered with a few melodic flourishes here and there to really hammer home the rage.

High Vis Release Furious New Track, Are Playing With Culture Abuse This Month

London's High Vis play a uniquely grim style of post-punk that frontman Graham Sayle calls "post-industrial Britain misery punk". That's a heavy descriptor to throw around, but it nails the vibe of what they're up to pretty well - austere, angry punk peppered with a few melodic flourishes here and there to really hammer home the rage that comes with being British and not an idiot in 2018.

Today they released a live studio recording of Voices, a song off their debut full length, which they're recording at the moment for release in the new year, check it out:

Pretty livid stuff, huh?

High Vis are playing a few shows with K! faves Culture Abuse - the Star & Garter in Manchester on the 24th of October and the Boston Music Rooms in London on the 25th. See you there!

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