
Hollywood Undead's Funny Man Told Us His Favourite Albums Of 2017

"What is a year without ups and downs when trying to reach your goals?"

Hollywood Undead's Funny Man Told Us His Favourite Albums Of 2017

Hollywood Undead's Funny Man recently caught up with us to talk about his 2017, what his favourite albums were and how he's viewed music in the past 12 months. Of course, it's coming to that time of year where we all look back on what this year has given us. 

"A lot of good and bad came out of 2017," says Funny Man. "What is a year without ups and downs when trying to reach your goals? We all want success in this life, but it always comes with a battle... nothing worth having comes easy. I do my best to maintain good faith, spread the love, stay positive and work my ass off to find success. It makes it that much sweeter when you do reach your goals, and keeps you clear and focused and ready for another year."

"Every year there’s something completely different whether it’s a band’s 5th studio album or their debut," he says on Hollywood Undead's music in 2017. "To me, today’s music is all over the place and everything just keeps on evolving. One thing that hasn’t changed though; everyone likes the hits, whether it’s hip hop, rock, metal, pop, or punk-rock, unless you are that one guy who listens to abstract noise. Or you’re someone who’s just wearing a slayer shirt to look cool." 

His favourite album of the year, unashamedly, is Hollywood Undead's V album. "Our newest album, I think everyone should give it a listen, whether you like us or not. We write something for everyone," he adds.  

Beyond Hollywood Undead, Funny Man’s other favourite albums of the year were:

1.Hollywood Undead - V 
2. Prayers - Baptism Of Thieves 
3. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. 
4. The Bronx - (V)
5. Espresso - Alvin Bovin’s Big Break 
6. Deez Nuts - Binge & Purgatory 
7. Wavves - You’re Welcome 
8. At the drive in - in•ter a•li•a 
9. Atmosphere - Overcast! (20 Year Anniversary Remaster) 
10. Queens Of The Stone Age - Villains 

A pretty eclectic lineup, no? We’ve made a playlist of this so you don’t have to:

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