Extreme metal diehards have already jumped aboard. Cannibal Corpse bassist Alex Webster turned down a free copy of their first LP – because he already had the record in his car. His band would subsequently take Gatecreeper on tour alongside Texan terrors Power Trip. More intriguing, however, is their infiltration of the metal mainstream. “Our goal is to make death metal memorable,” Chase continues. “There’s a new wave of old school, but we incorporate a simpler approach, with catchier riffs and more dynamic vocals. It’s not just about making the grossest sounding, ugliest music. You’ve got to have the catchiness of the early Cannibal Corpse records or Deicide’s [1995 album] Once Upon The Cross, too.”
What Gatecreeper want, then, is to be an everyman death metal band. In that everyone might possibly like them.
“We try to be that blue collar, meat and potatoes death metal,” he grins. “We’re the band where people will say ‘I don’t really like death metal, but I’ll listen to Gatecreeper.’”
Having performed with ‘metal rapper’ Ghostemane and counting Post Malone as a fan, the band’s mission statement is paying off. And while Chase’s tendency to throw around the term “stadium death metal” is “purposefully absurd”, the potential is charging up for a breakthrough. So, as their ascent continues, does Chase worry about leaving behind the scene that spawned them?
“Anywhere people want us to play, we’ll play,” he shrugs with a smile. “There was a certain point where I had to stop caring about the elitist mindset. I love those bands, but I don’t care if they think we’re lame. We’re just gonna do what we love doing. In the long run, creating something for ourselves will be what wins people’s respect.”
Gatecreeper's latest album Deserted is out now. Catch them on tour across the UK in July at the dates below – get your tickets here.
Gatecreeper UK tour 2020
07 Bristol Exchange
08 Manchester The Star and Garter
09 Glasgow Audio
10 Birmingham Dead Wax
11 London Boston Music Room