
“I had my first kiss at a Slipknot concert”: 13 Questions with Bonnie Fraser

Stand Atlantic vocalist Bonnie Fraser chats plumbing, vomiting and kissing in our 13 Questions…

“I had my first kiss at a Slipknot concert”: 13 Questions with Bonnie Fraser
Mischa Pearlman

Formed in Sydney, Australia in 2014, Stand Atlantic released their awesome debut album, Skinny Dipping, in 2018. If you’ve heard it – or any of its emotionally forthright songs – you won’t be surprised to learn that vocalist/guitarist Bonnie Fraser is as honest in conversation as she is in her lyrics. Imagine then, if she’d pursued her original dream job of being a plumber. Because, strange as it seems, when she was young that was what she wanted to be when she grew up. Thankfully – after a short stint working for what she thinks was a fake charity – she ended up pursuing a life in rock’n’roll instead. Which is a surefire way for her to avoid her biggest fear – snakes. We feel you, Bonnie!


Name all nine original members of Slipknot.
“Name them all?! Corey Taylor. The sea urchin dude. The guy with the big nose. The big, huge scary guy. And that’s all I know! That was alright. I had my first kiss at a Slipknot concert, though. Isn’t that cool? And that’s why I can’t remember all the names, obviously!”


When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
“I wanted to be a plumber! I’m not joking. I think I liked the idea of getting my hands dirty and doing things – I didn’t realise it entailed dealing with sewage and shit like that, though. I was a weird girl. Everyone wants to be a vet and stuff – and I did want to do that kind of thing as well – but my earliest memory of wanting to be something was a plumber. It was really embarrassing, too, because I was with a group of girls and we all went around and said what we wanted to do and everyone was like, ‘A princess’ or whatever, and I was like, ‘A plumber!’ like a complete weirdo!”


What’s the best place you’ve ever been?
“That’s really tough. Can I just say the whole of the UK? I just have really fond memories there, and loved ones, and my family is there, too. It’s just a nice little place for me. But if I’d been to Japan I’d probably say Japan, but I haven’t been there yet.”


What’s the funniest rumour you’ve ever heard about yourself?
“I know there was a really weird one recently, but I honestly can’t remember what it was. But there’s classic stupid shit like I’m dating all the members in our band. At the same time. Because of course – why wouldn’t I be? That’s how bands work, right?”


What was the last lie you told?
“I went to Taco Bell and he asked me if I wanted a drink and I said no, but that was a lie because I really wanted a drink! I don’t know why I said no. That’s a very boring lie. Sorry.”


What’s your biggest fear?
“The thought of being irrelevant, in general, whether that’s career or with people that I love. And snakes. I fucking hate snakes a lot. If your fucking body is just one big neck you can just fuck off. And anything that crawls, like bugs. I can’t do it!”


What’s your worst habit?
“Either cracking my knuckles or avoiding problems, so I just ignore them instead of actually dealing with them. But I think a lot of people do that. I don’t think I’m special!”


Do you believe in ghosts?
“Yes. I’ve never seen a ghost – and I think if I did I’d actually just shit myself – but I like to think that there’s something else instead of just literally what we see. I like the idea that there’s something else around and that maybe there’s something going on once you die. I mean, it’s comforting, isn’t it?”


What’s the worst injury you’ve ever suffered?
“I’ve never actually broken a bone – touch wood, thank God – but my friend once threw a water bottle at my face and split my lip open. But I’m pretty lucky, actually. Probably because I don’t take many risks. I just kind of chill. I don’t want to be in pain!”


What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
“I worked at a call centre selling probably fake charity and it was horrible. I just didn’t trust it – it was probably a pyramid scheme. But I just didn’t like it there and there was a horrible vibe. The office was dingy and I just didn’t trust it at all. But I still worked there – for ages!”


When was the last time you vomited?
“I came close a few months ago. It was when my girlfriend was vomiting and it almost made me vomit. Luckily I haven’t had food poisoning or anything. I mean, I have before, but not recently! But I was trying to comfort her and not fuck her up about her own vomit and trying not to vomit with her. It was just horrible.”


Have you ever been kicked out of a bar?
“Yes. I was wasted, obviously, and I was passing out on the pool table and they were like, ‘Can you please leave?’ And then I said no, and then they forced me out. But you’d have to ask someone else who was there exactly what happened because I really don’t remember, for obvious reasons!”


If you had the power to turn off the internet, would you do it?
“Holy crap. No. I don’t think I would. Because I’m too selfish. I need to stay in contact with people and if we didn’t have the internet I don’t think I’d be able to do that very well. So basically I’m just selfish."

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