
"If My House Was On Fire, I'd Save My Neo Geo Console": 13 Questions With Neige From Alcest

Alcest mainman Neige is the latest subject of Kerrang!'s 13 Questions

"If My House Was On Fire, I'd Save My Neo Geo Console": 13 Questions With Neige From Alcest
Nick Ruskell

Now that Alcest’s superb new album Spiritual Instinct has been out for a bit, it’s time to meet the man behind the music. As a quiet, enigmatic soul, Neige is not the sort of chap it’s particularly easy to get close to, lovely as he is. So, in order to find out a little more about him, we put 13 incredibly searching questions to him… Although he still didn't give much away.

Why should people check out the new Alcest album, Spiritual Instinct?
“Because hopefully it will resonate with them in a special way.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
“I wanted to draw, do illustration. I almost pursued it – I had to choose between music and art school. I chose music.”

What would you like it to say on your gravestone?
“'I did what I could’.”

What’s your worst habit?
Always bashing myself, putting myself down. I’m very bad at that.”

Have you ever been in a fight?
“No, never. I’ve never been in a fight in my life.”

What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten?
“I eat everything, so nothing.”

What’s your biggest fear?
“Losing someone close to me.”

If your house was on fire, what would you save?
“My Neo Geo console.”

If you could turn off the internet, would you?
"Of course – everyone would, I guess.”

What do dogs think about?
“They think that they are very happy to be dogs.”

What’s the worst injury you’ve ever suffered?
“I broke my wrist when I was rollerskating as a kid.”

Have you ever seen a ghost?

Where’s the best place you’ve ever been?
“Japan. It’s the best place in the world, man.”

Alcest's new album Spiritual Instinct is out now via Nuclear Blast.

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