
“This is a statement to everyone who turned their nose up at us”: Inside BLACKGOLD’s new EP, Back With Another One

From bashing away their haters to encouraging people to take the power back, BLACKGOLD break down their new EP for us, one track at a time…

“This is a statement to everyone who turned their nose up at us”: Inside BLACKGOLD’s new EP, Back With Another One

After breaking out with their self-titled and Volume 2 EPs, today BLACKGOLD unleash their latest offering, the aptly-titled Back With Another One. Here’s what it’s all about, in their own words…

1Back With Another One

“This song is more of a statement to everyone who turned their nose up at BLACKGOLD, labelling us as an industry plant or nepo babies. The point behind this song is that we’re going to release music and play big shows and there’s nothing they can do about it. Haters going to hate…”

2Social Blackout

“Social Blackout is about one of the most addictive poisons in the world: social media. People scroll and scroll looking at people’s lives that they don’t even know while sitting next to the people who love them most – whether it be looking at friends on holiday wishing you were there, or looking at influences faking happiness through likes and shares. The song has no real solution. It’s just sounding out the fact that this is a real scary issue.”

3One Chance

“This is simply a message to say that life is short, and live how you want to live. Be who you want to be. Do what you want to do. Because at the end of the day, you only have one chance at it, so live fast.”

4Today’s My Day

“Today’s My Day is about the nine-to-five world. We have become so complacent with giving our time away for other people to make money off of it; we have all had that boss that or teacher who we just can’t stand to be around, and this track is about taking that power back and the feeling you get from just saying, ‘Today’s my day, fuck everyone, I’m going to do what the hell I want.’”

5Rains In My Life

“This track is about being stuck on a loop of bad luck. Where you have the feeling of, ‘Is this ever going to end?’ The stress of having no money can weigh us all down and make you believe that it always rains in your life. It happens to us all, but the cloud will pass.”

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