
Ithaca Have Covered Thrice For Charity

London hardcore maulers Ithaca have done Thrice’s Hold Fast Hope for Rape Crisis England And Wales…

Ithaca Have Covered Thrice For Charity
Nick Ruskell

As if you needed another reason to keep Ithaca in the ‘Bands who are really, really good’ column, the London hardcore outfit have released a banging cover of Thrice’s Hold Fast Hope. Best of all, money raised from the single is going to Rape Crisis England And Wales.

The cover is part of 2000trees Festival’s Vheissu compilation in tribute to the California band, who headline the festival alongside Jimmy Eat World next July. Alongside Ithaca, the line-up also includes Creeper, Knocked Loose, The Menzingers, Svalbard, Boston Manor, Nova Twins and loads more.

Check out Ithaca's take on Thrice below:

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