
Jamie Lenman returns with anthemic new single Talk Hard

Hear Jamie Lenman channel Weezer in his excellent, uplifting new single Talk Hard.

Jamie Lenman returns with anthemic new single Talk Hard
Emily Carter
Jen Hingley

Ahead of his appearance at ArcTanGent next weekend, Jamie Lenman has returned with a brand-new single, Talk Hard.

Says the singer-songwriter of his new, anthemic banger: “I’ve been trying for a long time to do something a bit more melodic, and Talk Hard is the first flowering of that. People tell me they can hear Weezer in there which is great as they’ve always been heroes of mine, particularly the first two albums.

“Lyrically it’s about standing up for yourself, for making sure that your voice is heard by people you feel are ignoring you – be that your friends, your family, your boss or even your government. It’s about encouraging and empowering people, standing behind them and lending them your support. Very positive, after all the negative feelings from [2020 EP] King Of Clubs.”

Watch the video for Talk Hard below:

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