
Jason Aalon Butler's 333 Wreckords Crew Announce New Signing, Oxymorrons

Listen to Justice, the new single from 333 Wreckords Crew's latest signing Oxymorrons.

Jason Aalon Butler's 333 Wreckords Crew Announce New Signing, Oxymorrons
Vee Sanders

New York alt/hip-hop group Oxymorrons have announced their signing to 333 Wreckords Crew, the artist-based record collective belonging to FEVER 333 frontman Jason Aalon Butler.

Explaining to Kerrang! what qualities he looks for in an artist to sign, Jason told us: “First of all, you’ve got to have found something that is aberrant or left-of-centre and you’ve got to believe in it. I want you to be so confident in what you’re doing and the way you’re doing it that nobody can tell you it won’t work. I love to see that, because that’s what I did. You also have to have a vision, because I can’t see your future for you until you do.

Read this: Jason Aalon Butler shares his views on the recent protests and action following the death of George Floyd

“…If I see someone and think, ‘Fuck, you are the dopest artist,’ but if I can’t offer you anything [then it’s not right],” he continued. “Again, this all has to be artist-first. Do I have anything that I can give to this artist that makes sense? Something that will catalyse and enhance what they’re already doing? This is another thing with labels. They don’t know how to help you as an artist, they only know how to give you money. So if I know I can help somebody, that has to be the final piece that it’s all dependent upon.”

Just one listen of Oxymorrons's debut single for 333 Wreckords Crew, Justice, and it's easy to see why the group stand out to Jason. On top of having that “left-of-centre” sound that he's looking for, they call their new track “more than a song, but an act of solidarity with the people”.

“All revenue from streaming, merchandise, and downloads both now and in the future from this song will be given back to the community through various charities, non-profits, and movements. We want this to be a never ending cycle to our people to continue to develop the youth, enhance our culture, and fight the inequalities that we have suffered for too long. We will continue to fight, continue to speak out against oppression, and stand for change.

“We are angry,” they continue. “We are traumatized. We are scared. But mostly, we are tired.

Tired of our people dying in front of us in broad daylight from a senseless act of racism.
Tired of harassment from the very people whose job it is to protect us.
Tired of screaming at the deaf ears of a government who never had our best interest in mind.

We are enraged. We are frustrated. We are beyond fed up.

But again mostly, we are tired.

Tired of the system put in place since the beginning to keep us down.
Tired of the constant worry of getting a call that our loved one was next.
Tired of not being able to determine our destiny.

We will stand tall. We will stand united. We will speak loud and proud against our oppressors.

But how much longer can we be this exhausted. We are tired, but we're not giving up!!!!”

Stream Justice below:

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