
Jay Wennington Went On Warped Tour With Creeper

Photographer Jay Wennington had the best summer you can possibly have.

Ian with a pop punk doggo in Milwaukee, this lil’ girl is the spitting image of Ian’s own dog called Nancy.
Ian catching some of the many airs he caught during Creeper’s sets.
William and his Warped Tour Prom date Oliver.
Hannah completely drenched in Georgia, a storm came out of nowhere and the stage had no choice other than to cut Creeper’s set short and wait for the storm to blow over, we were stuck on the stage until the rain slowed down.
One of the million buses and wagons that got everybody where they needed to be every day. #USA
A much needed off day with Boston Manor at a lake in Arizona. Not pictured: members of Creeper, Microwave, Boston Manor and The Gospel Youth floating a lil full of beer beers down the river from the wagon.
Sean in a pool at the venue in Las Vegas, there was a stage right in front of this pool, and moments after this photo was taken Sean, along with Ian and Oliver helped created a crazy whirlpool circle pit to Bad Cop Bad Cop.
Mike from Boston Manor letting us all see what was written on his guitar. We’ve been friends with Boston Manor for a long time now and it was an absolute pleasure to get to see them play every single day on Warped, I really believe that they played consistently harder than any other band that play this year, they fucking rock.
Will fanboying over meeting a member of his favourite band, Boston Manor.
Oliver finding out he was too tall to ride the best ride in the theme park.
Will on our last day in America, after the first real shower of the tour, very style, much refreshed.
Will hanging out with Feeki, a rapper on our stage, he was real wildcard act but it was an absolute pleasure watching him and his DJ, DJ Trash Wizard every day, check him out on any social media at @yoitsfeeki!!
A driver’s pet cat in the front of their truck, there were loads of drivers with pets on this tour, it was cool to see them walking their dogs every day!
Nikki Misery moments before an NYD set.
Will and Shawna (War On Women) playing around backstage, shortly before Creeper went on stage on a particular hot day (there were lots of those).
Knocked Loose tearing another set apart, one of the toughest bands I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching every day.
Feeki offered $5 mullets at his mercy tent all summer long, here’s one happy customer.
End of tour crew shot, this was Team Creep Warped Tour 2k17, taken by @josh_the_high_five_guy_ (dude outside of Denny’s who took this photo insisted on a photo credit)
Ian and Sean, along with Shawna from WOW, giving the Westboro Baptist Church a piece of their minds and letting them know they weren’t welcome.
Frankie from NYD with Shawna of War On Women hanging out shortly before the daily William Control dance party.
Will outside City Hall, somewhere USA.
Will writing the lyrics to ‘Misery’ for a kid to get it tattooed on them later.
Meeting fans is one of the best things about Warped Tour, kids queue up for hours sometimes just for the chance to meet their favourite bands.
Last minute touch pre-show.
Ian and his new Ouija board, as much as we wanted to have a go, attempting a ouija board as you shoot 65mph down the highway isn’t the easiest thing in the world.
Nikki Misery of New Year’s Day told me after I took this photo that he saw me step into the pit and he knew he needed to get into the crowd to get a great photo. Nikki and the rest of NYD were some of our best friends on Warped, we love all of those guys!
Creep Team day off in Lake Tahoe, one of the most beautiful places we’ve ever seen on tour.
Will in the crowd during ‘Misery’ as a storm came in in New Jersey, the rain was coming down hard and the set was threatened to be cut short so Will made sure it was a set to be remembered.

How much fun does it look to be in a band on Warped Tour? Like, what better way is there to spend your twenties than travelling all over the States as part of a traveling punk rock circus with all your best friends, playing music, having adventures and not showering too much? Jay Wennington went on the tour with Creeper and took a ton of glorious photos of the whole thing, and was kind enough to share them with us in the gallery above. 

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