
Joe Perry Says There Will Be A New Aerosmith Record

Guitarist Joe Perry says he's ready to get back into the studio with Aerosmith

Joe Perry Says There Will Be A New Aerosmith Record

Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry has said the band will record new music - and perhaps even a follow-up to 2012's Music From Another Dimension! - "when the time is right".

Speaking to Heavy Consequence, who asked if recording with Hollywood Vampires had him itching to get back into the studio with Steven Tyler and co., Joe said he's always up for recording.

“Actually I had just finished working on my last solo album [prior to the new Hollywood Vampires LP],” he explained to the website, “so I had been in the studio for the three or four months before we started on the Vampires record — so I was already rolling in the studio. It doesn’t take much to get me going — I love to record. So, when the time is right, Aerosmith will come around to do another record.” Great news!

Joe also spoke about how Aerosmith have been focusing on their Last Vegas residency, which began back in April, and kicks off again in September, and said the band are currently thinking up ways to celebrate their 50th anniversary next year.

“I think we’re just going to celebrate it as an ongoing thing,” he said of the latter. “I know we have a few things planned, a couple things I can’t mention right now until they’re solidified, but there’s a few surprises we have.”

For more details on Aerosmith's Vegas residency, visit

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