
Killing Joke's Jaz Coleman Helped Create This New Chicken Pie (Yes, Really)

Get your hands on The Joker!, a new collaboration between Jaz Coleman and excellently-named pie shop Piecaramba!.

Killing Joke's Jaz Coleman Helped Create This New Chicken Pie (Yes, Really)

Sur-pies! Because 2020 isn't already bizarre enough, Killing Joke's Jaz Coleman has created a couple of gluten-free pies with UK pie and mash shop Piecaramba!.

The new invention goes by the name The Joker!, and is made up of jerk chicken, red peppers and chilli, all encased in a gluten-free pastry. And there's also a vegetarian version available, named The Harlequin! (naturally). And it sounds like the entire thing came completely from the weird and wonderful mind of Jaz…

Read this: Jaz Coleman: “We’ve been adapted from an already evolving primate, another race of sentient beings…”

"Some weeks ago, we were approached by the incredible Jaz Coleman from the legendary band Killing Joke to create an extra special pie," Piecaramba! reveal. "Working closely with the great man himself, we now proudly present The Joker! – a jerk chicken, red peppers and chilli pie in gluten free pastry!

"This will be available in our restaurants and Fiddler's Elbow Brighton for Halloween, alongside The Harlequin! – a veggie version. Both will be available for mail order from mid November.

"We’re super proud to be working with such a legend of the music industry, and we can’t wait for you to try these amazing pies!"

Pie x Killing Joke puns incoming, please. And, sorry, but Pie-demonium is too obvious…

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