
Listen To Writer Kim Kelly’s Nazi-Smashing, Anti-Fascist Playlist

She was on the ground in Charlottesville, and has been putting Nazi Punks Fuck Off alternatives on Twitter.

Listen To Writer Kim Kelly’s Nazi-Smashing, Anti-Fascist Playlist

Journalist Kim Kelly has written for next week’s issue of Kerrang! about being at the frontline in Charlottesville, witnessing the horror that unfolded in the Virginia city when white supremacists clashed with anti-fascist crowds on August 12. 

The violence peaked, tragically, with the death of Heather Heyer, killed by a man fascinated with Nazism when he drove a car into a crowd of peaceful protestors.

Yesterday, August 16, Kim started tweeting a series of songs that rally against the abhorrent attitudes held by the alt-right.

“Since you can only listen to Nazi Punks Fuck Off so many times, here’s a quick little thread of anti-fascist, Nazi-smashing metal songs,” she wrote. 

And since smashing Nazis is right up there amongst The Best Things You Can Ever Do As A Human Being, we thought we’d round up some of Kim’s selections for you to listen to here. No obligation, no fee. Listen, learn, feel empowered, and fight the fascist fucks. (Be sure to follow Kim’s Twitter thread for the whole lot – and she’s promising more!

Agathocles – About A Fascist:

Suicidal Tendencies – Fascist Pig:

Violator – Respect Existence Or Expect Resistance:

Infest – Nazi Killer: 

Phobia – Fascist Smash Face: 

Municipal Waste – I Want To Kill The President:

Sepultura – Refuse/Resist:

Kreator – People Of The Lie:

Sacred Reich – Sacred Reich:

Read Kim’s article in next week’s issue of Kerrang!, out on Wednesday August 23.

Now read these