
Listen To Bully’s New Track, Running, Ahead Of Their Sub Pop LP

Nashville rockers have signed to the iconic Seattle label for October’s Losing, their second album.

Listen To Bully’s New Track, Running, Ahead Of Their Sub Pop LP

Grungey punks Bully have a new track to light up your listening gear, ahead of the release of the four-piece’s second LP, Losing, on October 20.

Losing was recorded in Chicago, at the city’s famous Electrical Audio Studios, run by Shellac's Steve Albini. And that it’s being released by Sub Pop is another sign of the set’s quality.

The band’s connection with Albini goes back some years. Founding vocalist Alice Bognanno (pictured) actually undertook an internship at the studio, prior to starting Bully in 2013.

If you’re new to the band, think a less-melodramatic Hole, think a scratchier Sleater-Kinney, think that properly scrappy grunge sound that the best from the Seattle scene always had in their pocket. There’s definitely something a little Pixies-y about this, too.

Running is track three of 12 on the upcoming LP – listen to it below, and then check Bully’s website for US and Canada tour dates running from September through to March.

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