
Listen to Invent Animate’s huge new single, Sleepless Deathbed

Following on from last year’s Heavener album, Invent Animate have unleashed a new single about “hallucinating a state of your own death and being stuck in that lifeless plane of constant and repeating discomfort”.

Listen to Invent Animate’s huge new single, Sleepless Deathbed
Emily Carter
Chris Klumpp

Invent Animate have today shared a huge new single, Sleepless Deathbed.

The track arrives following last year’s Heavener album, and is a dark listen about “hallucinating a state of your own death and being stuck in that lifeless plane of constant and repeating discomfort”.

The band explain: “Where all your bad memories, big and small, are falling down on you in the form of rain and making you feel it all again, physically all at once. At a point, you start to think this might be death and that it might be like this forever. It weighs you down so much that your ground melts and you fall down through a static space through your own memories. The fall becomes the sleepless deathbed, where you’ve come to serve until the end of time.

“This is one of those songs that was written naturally, we knew we wanted something fast and heavy and we knew lyrics needed to represent physical panic.”

Check it out below:

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