
Listen to Softcult’s new single, Shortest Fuse

Softcult tackle today’s capitalist society and how we “can’t become complicit in a system that is designed to keep us down” on new single Shortest Fuse…

Listen to Softcult’s new single, Shortest Fuse
Emily Carter
Kaylene Widdoes

Softcult have unveiled an important and powerful new single, Shortest Fuse.

Following recent singles Heaven and Haunt You Still, the duo – Mercedes and Phoenix Arn-Horn – address the struggles of the world we live and work in with their latest musical effort, explaining that, “Capitalism seems to be designed to keep underprivileged people toiling in a never ending cycle of debt and poverty where their labour is underpaid in order to profit their employers. The benefits of capitalism are rarely equally distributed, accruing wealth to a very small percentage of the population.

“Built on the notion of greed, benefitting only by paying workers less than what their labour is worth, it’s difficult to not become disenfranchised with capitalism when you exist in this reality and see no end in sight. We can’t become complicit in a system that is designed to keep us down.”

Watch the video for Shortest Fuse below:

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